
How did the lab activities help you answer the lesson question: How does human activity affect Earth’s freshwater resources? What did you learn from conducting this lab?

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In the lab, I observed how pollutants affect the pH of lakes and groundwater. Pollutants that result from human activity such as using soap and citric acid can change the pH of water. If the pH of the water changes, it might not be safe for people to drink that water or for organisms to live in it. I also learned that the pollution in a lake can end up in groundwater. Even though the soil can filter some pollutants and the water may look clean, its quality may not be good.


      In the l learned three main three main things that influence the freshwater available on earth: PH, pollutants and factory usage.


     The first thing, PH, is really influenced by the way the pollutants are discarded, for example, if a factory decides to throw their pollutants inside a very good and not polluted river, this river will change how it chemically works, and through that, the PH will change, it can turn into a more acid or basic river, depending on the components that were thrown there.

      I learned from conducting this lab that every act of the human race affects the environment as a whole, and the main thing to pay attention to in this experiment is that, everything is linked to one another in some way.