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During the Cold War period, East and West Germany had different developments, with differences occurring in pretty much all aspects.


After the World War II ended, soon started the Cold War. Germany was divided into two parts during this period, West Germany and East Germany. West Germany started to develop in western manner, or rather it became a western democracy, while East Germany was developing in communist manner.

Having these two totally different political ideologies, the two parts of Germany diverged greatly in a period of almost half a century. Some of the differences between the two were:

  • West Germany was a democracy; East Germany was communist;
  • West Germany had market economy; East Germany had command economy;
  • West Germany allowed freedom of speech, and in general the people enjoyed their rights; East Germany was ruled with iron fist, with the people being oppressed, and having no freedom whatsoever.
  • West Germany industrialized heavily; East Germany was more focused on agriculture;

All of these differences became very evident when the two merged together again. The culture of the people was significantly different. The level of development differed greatly, and it took the country some time to sort itself out. Even after three decades from the end of the Cold War, the differences are still easy to see between the West and the East of the country.

Learn more about the Cold War
