In a factory there are many times that need to be performed someone has to order in stock supplies that are needed for the factory others we use the supplies to manufacture certain parts of the product someone else may have to put together all the pieces then the product has to be inspected and package for sale do you human body works in much the same way there are many times that need to be performed in the human body specialized cells have developed to perform all the little task that the human body needs to operate as a whole what is the main reason that multi celled organisms such as humans have developed specialized cells?

In a factory there are many times that need to be performed someone has to order in stock supplies that are needed for the factory others we use the supplies to class=

Respuesta :


The correct answer is cells can do more in less time.


Human body has developed specialized cell so that specific cells can carry out specific functions of the complex human body system.

      Each body cells are specialized for their specific function for example heart cells act as pump,lung cells helps in gas exchange,blood cells helps in transport of biomolecules,muscle cells helps in the contraction and relaxation.

  Thus the numerous functions of human body are divided among specific cell so that each cell will have low work load and can carry out their specific functions in less time.