
would a letter you write to your grandparents be different from a letter you write to a friend? how would the letter be different? write a few sentence about your ideas.​

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A letter to my grandparents would be more formal, as they are older and come from a time where letters were written more often. Also, they are family, and they expect certain standards of me.

A letter to a friend would be more based off my personality and theirs, and I would write about something they would understand from our shared times. While with grandparents it would be a little more about family oriented things.

Yes, the letter may need to be more formal for your grandparents because they may not be up to date with some words we may say without even thinking about but your friend would understand them better so, for your grandparents you can start out with, Hello, how have you been? Do you remember when ____ happened? I love/miss you guys! And so on, like if you had a question or just writing to hear from them. Your friend you can use different words such as abbreviations and more stuff like that.