

Read the quotation by President Woodrow Wilson.

We enter this war only where we are clearly forced into it because there are no other means of defending our rights.

According to this quotation, Wilson argues that the United States entered World War I because it

A. feared further aggression by the Central Powers.
B. sought to protect the Central Powers from defeat.
C. wanted to pursue a peaceful resolution to the war.
D. worried that the economy would collapse.

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According to this quotation, Wilson argues that the United States entered World War I because it

A. feared further aggression by the Central Powers.


President Woodrow Wilson period of governance was from 1913 to 1921 in this time the World War I occurred. The United States entered this conflict joining the central powers: England, France and Russia. The motive that he is stating in his declaration is that the rights of the United States along with the rights of the allies was in risk to be diminished from the Central Powers.  

The Central powers were composed by Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austro Hungary, and Bulgari Kingdom. They were the group that was in conflict with the allies or Entente Powers: France, England, Russia and the United States.  

The United States was a strategical allied that entered the entente powers group and helped them to win the conflict and stop the imperialism ambitions of the Central powers.  

The first world war was a battle between the central powers and the allied nations. This quotation from President Woodrow Wilson was made because the United States;

  • A. Feared further aggression by the Central Powers.

During the first World War which spanned from 1914 to 1918, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, and other Central Power nations that supported their ideals engaged in a battle with the allied nations consisting of Britain, France, the United States, Russia, Japan, and other nations.

In this statement, Wilson feared that the central powers were overstepping their boundary. To curb them, they decided to join in the battle.

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