Respuesta :


There is no obvious definition for it. For a few, life is tied in with building a family and driving "life" for what it's worth. ... For a couple, life is about strict practices. For scholars like Aristotle life is about satisfaction: "Bliss is the importance and the motivation behind life, the entire point, and end of human presence."  

or then again take this  

Your life reason comprises of the focal rousing points of your life—the reasons you get up toward the beginning of the day. Reason can manage life choices, impact conduct, shape objectives, offer an ability to read a compass and make meaning. For certain individuals, the reason for existing is associated with business—important, fulfilling work.



There is no meaning of life , the only thing that makes life somewhat valuable is the impact you make on other people, doesn't matter if it was good or bad but you changed the persons life in some way.They gained a new experience from meeting you doesn't matter if you hurt them or helped them, you changed them even if its just a minor thing.