1. Is the story of Fahrenheit 451 a warning to our generation where we shouldn't go, or a goal we should
strive for as a society? Defend your opinion.

Respuesta :

Explanation: Fahrenheit 451 is a novel by Ray Bradbury. This novel shows the dangers of technological advancement and how people aren't interacting with one another throughout the society.

When Ray Bradbury wrote this book, I think he felt like he wanted to warn us today about what could easily happen if we are going on the track we're headed. This book takes place in the future where the society is oppressed and some people try to kill themselves to leave the world.

I feel like Ray Bradbury wanted us to strive for a society where most of us can get along but we still have our differences of what we believe. In Fahrenheit 451, this wasn't allowed. Many people were conformists because they didn't know how to stand up for themselves and lead.

When Ray Bradbury wrote this book, the United States especially was going through a time of fear when many people feared the government and feared of another war.

To wrap things up, I do believe that the main goal was to get together as a society and be a part of our community while still having differences among each other.