What happens as more and more carbon leaves other reservoirs and enters the atmosphere?
Question 4 options:

Rocks turn into shells.

Plants run out of air.

The atmosphere heats up.

Volcanoes become less active.

Respuesta :


The atmosphere heats up as more and more carbon leaves other reservoirs and enters the atmosphere,


  • During carbon cycle the carbon from the reservoirs is added into the atmosphere in the form of gases.
  • As more and more carbon leaves the reservoirs, it is converted to gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide etc.
  • Being a green house gas, carbon dioxide traps the heat that re-radiates from the Earths surface and keeps the atmosphere warm.
  • So, when more carbon leaves the reservoir and enters the atmosphere ; the level of carbon dioxide increases and more heat is trapped.
  • This results in heating up of the Earth's atmosphere.