When Marcus rides the elevator at work, he always stands facing the back of the elevator car. Although this goes against standard social practice and makes his coworkers uncomfortable, it is more likely to be psychopathology if it is__________.

Respuesta :

The correct answer would be, impairing good daily functioning.

Although this goes against standard social practice and makes his co workers uncomfortable, it is more likely to be psychopathology if it is impairing good daily functioning.


The common social practice of riding in an elevator is to face the elevator by everyone in it. It is not seen that people stand face to face with each other in the lifts. People face the elevator or the backs of the people, which is a common practice. But if someone faces the back of the elevator, it would really make the people uncomfortable in the lift.

This practice will be considered a psychological disorder if it is weakening or damaging the daily functioning. The efficiency can be harmed due to such psychological disorders.  Good daily functioning may include, eating, dressing, toileting, bathing, etc.

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