An individual accidentally transected (cut across) the spinal cord between T1 and L1. This would result in ________. An individual accidentally transected (cut across) the spinal cord between T1 and L1. This would result in ________.
spinal shock
only hemiplegia

Respuesta :


a. paraplegia

b. paraplegia (it is repeated)


Paraplegia T1-T9 (Requires assistance at least 3 hours a day). People with lesions from T1 preserve innervation and, therefore, the function of all upper limb muscles. They can achieve functional independence, not only in self-care and mobility activities, but also in certain light domestic activities. From this level of injury, an intensive training to carry the manual wheelchair through irregular terrain, slopes and ramps is feasible. From the T6 lesion the patients present a better trunk control. In addition, with proper training, they can make transfers from the floor to the chair. People with injuries between T2 and T9 can achieve prophylactic standing with parallel bitters, with the support of a walker or crutches.

Paraplegia T10 L1 (Requires assistance at least 2 hours a day) Patients with injuries from T10 have normal breathing with normal vital capacity. As with T1-T9 lesions, they are independent in activities of daily living, sphincter care and transfers. This group of patients is able to perform independent standing and assisted therapeutic walking. Unfortunately for all these activities, energy expenditure is excessive and joint wear of the upper limbs is important. Patients remain dependent on a self-propelled wheelchair for travel.