Draw the product of nucleophilic substitution with each neutral nucleophile. When the initial substitution product can lose a proton to form a neutral product, draw the product after proton transfer

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Neutral nucleophile are: H2O, CH3OH, NH3, RNH2, R2NH, R3N, RCOOH, RSH and PR3. The products by nucleophilic substitution are diverse depending on the different nucleophiles, obtaining alcohol, eter, amines, ester and tioeter considering only the nucleophiles with a hydrogen available.


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Nucleophilic subtitution with water occurs under Sn1 mechanism. That's it because water as nucleophile is so weak.  With the other neutral nucleophiles, the reaction occur under Sn2 mechanism.

RSH + CH3I  -----> RSCH3  +  HI

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