If 10 calories of energy are added to 2 grams of ice at -30° C, calculate the final temperature of the ice. (Notice that the specific heat of ice is different from that of water.) T.F =
-20° C
-30° C
30° C
40° C

Respuesta :




ΔQ = m c Δt

here ΔQ is heat supplied which is 10 calories , m is mass which is 2 g , c is specific heat capacity of ice which is 0.5 cal/(g C°), Δt is change in temperature which here is to be calculated.

re arranging the equation  we get

Δt = ΔQ/(mc)

   = 10/ ( 2 × 0.5)

 =  10/1

  = 10 C°

final temperature = -30 +10 = -20°C

hence option is A