What is the significance of Medea's exit on the chariot pulled by a dragon? *

It shows her immortality and now she is one with the gods

It is an answer to her prayers.

It demonstrates Medea's power over Jason

By flying away in a chariot, Medea is untouchable

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It shows her immortality and now she is one with the gods.


The Greek myth of "Medea" by Euripides tells the story of how Medea revolted against her own family and married Jason. But when her husband left her for another woman, Creon's daughter, she killed King Creon and her daughter, and also her own sons that she had with Jason, all done to provoke and torture Jason. And when she had seen that he was in pain, she took the two dead bodies of her sons and flew away on a chariot driven by dragons, provided by her godfather Helios. This exit in a dramatic but powerful manner shows how powerful she is and also signifies her immortality, as compared to the mortal Jason. Though pained at the deaths of her sons, she thinks it is a prize she is has to pay to make Jason suffer.