Unidice, an information technology firm, recently installed a new data system that provides seamless access to data. This data system has a higher storage capacity and processing speed than other data systems available in the market. Although the data system can be acquired by other companies in the future, it has presently enabled Unidice to process its data faster and in a more economical manner than its competitors. It is evident that Unidice has achieved _____.

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first-mover advantage


First-mover advantage refers to the strategic advantage achieved by the first company that occupies a market segment. In order for a company to gain first-mover advantage it must be the first company to enter a market or at least be the first company to gain competitive advantage in that market.

Unidice is the first company to gain competitive advantage in the data system market because its processing speed is much higher than its competitors.

Sometimes you don't need to be the first one to enter a market, but you need to be the first one to do things right. For example, Microsoft introduced the Surface tablet almost a decade before Apple introduced the iPad, but Apple did it right, therefore Apple gained first mover advantage.