
What other factors, besides technological development, helped fuel the Industrial Revolution?
A-There was an increase in population, which meant an increased demand for food and increased demand for labor
B-Urbanization led to more concentrated people that wanted to work
C-Britain's easy access to resources

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There was an increase in population, which meant an increased demand for food and increased demand for labor – due to Agricultural revolution  

Urbanization led to more concentrated people that wanted to work – due to Agricultural revolution

Britain's easy access to resources - due to European Imperialism


Prior to the commencement of industrial Revolution in Britain in the 18th century, there was an Agricultural revolution – one of the major causes of industrial revolution that began a century earlier (in the 17th Century). During the Agricultural Revolution, there was an improvement in farming techniques at that time; private ownership was encouraged and there was the use of machinery in farming.  All these led to increase in food production and the subsequent increase in population, creating larger workforce for mines and factories.  Enclosure Movement, that triggered the increase in private farm ownership led to the migration of farmers to cities in search of work in factories and mines, since they could no longer function alongside wealthier people who took over the farms.  

European Imperialism is also another contributing factor to industrial revolution – top European countries such as Britain used the imperialism concepts to create huge empires – by having (economic and political) control of other nation’s regions. Imperialism created huge resources for food production and large markets for goods. Goods produced by the Europeans were sold around the world, thereby enhancing industrialization. Britain, while experiencing the effects of industrial revolution, used their empire to amass resources and sell their newly produced goods.  

Capitalism was another component that led to increase in industrialization. Though laissez-faire in nature, it encouraged wealthy persons to establish their own businesses.