Discuss how, as a safety professional, you would respond to the overlap in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and state or local building, electrical, and life safety codes. What would be the most significant challenges?

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As a security  professional, I will respond positively to the OSHA requirements overlap. OSHA guidelines are meant to provide general guidance to all members of various entities throughout the country, while local or state codes also ensure compliance with laws unique to their areas, taking into account workplace safety and security.

OSHA accepts the security codes of the state building To the degree that such codes comply with OSHA regulations, such as BOCA. All the codes and regulations for local, state-owned construction, electrical and life protection are under the same umbrella. Generally, all security protocols and specifications are in accordance with OSHA guidelines. Nonetheless, certain points will overlap, while localized codes will also be addressed to a particular community or state that may