Respuesta :

What? Are you like okay? Like mentally?


If you are talking about the O.W.L.s which are taken in the 6th year, then she got 10 O.W.L.s


In fact, there are 12 subjects at Hogwarts:




History of Magic

Defence Against the Dark Arts




Muggle Studies


Study of Ancient Runes

Care of Magical Creatures

But Hermione drops divination dramatically in the third book: Prisoner of Azkaban and it also says at the end of this same book that she drops muggle studies as well. Therefore when she is taking her O.W.L.s, she has 10 subjects all from which she passes.

Transfiguration  - O

Charms  - O

Potions  - O

History of Magic - O

Defence Against the Dark Arts - E

Astronomy  - O

Herbology  - O

Arithmancy  - O

Study of Ancient Runes - O

Care of Magical Creatures - O


Passing grades:

O - Outstanding

E - Exceeds expectations

A - Acceptable

Failing grades:

P - Poor

D - Dreadful

T - Troll

(If you think I am a total weirdo who is obsessed with the magically glorious world of Harry Potter created by one of the most amazing authors ever..then you are right, I am a total weirdo who is obsessed with the magically glorious world of Harry Potter created by one of the most amazing authors ever!)