
The secondary causes of the extermination of the buffalo may be catalogued as follows:
(1) Man's reckless greed, his wanton destructiveness, and improvidence in not husbanding such resources as come to him from the hand of nature ready made.
(2) The total and utterly inexcusable absence of protective measures and agencies on the part of the National Government and of the Western States and Territories.

- From The Extermination of the American Buffalo by William T. Hornaday

Courtesy of the Library of Congress, American Memory, Report of the National Museum, 1887

Based on this quotation, which action would Hornaday find most effective in preventing the extermination of the buffalo?

A) providing aid to Native Americans to reduce their dependence on buffalo

B) removing buffalo temporarily from Western territories to keep them safe

C) developing education programs to reduce the greed of buffalo hunters

D) passing federal conservation legislation that will protect buffalo

Respuesta :

provision of federal conservarion legoslation will help protect the buffalos