The making of a play can be the most authoritarian theatre process: in the beginning of rehearsals is the text; the director is the power that interprets the text, and guides all others in service of it. Performance however, at the beginning of rehearsals, has no word – there is nothing but the artists and the potential work which they will uniquely create together.

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The Process to make and direct the artists:

Before any artist or actor begins to portray any character, the director wants the actors to reads out the whole story and discuss his or her part in it with other artists who are part of the story. As any artists make it sure they understand the story and the character.


A Directors visualization of the story:

The director before choosing the artists to portray different characters in the story, only has the script in his hands. He needs the artist to portray the different characters according to the script given. A director guides the actors throw the story line and gives them more easiness in  portraying the character. Due, to a directors visualization and imaginative nature a movie or a stage performance takes place.

So, for any performance to be built and structured in a sequence to tell a story , it all depends upon a directors imaginative sense and his ability to create a space for the artist to portray any character.