Read the article and use the information to answer the questions that follow. Discovering the Structure of DNA Explain how the discoveries by Rosalind Franklin helped Watson and Crick build an accurate model of DNA.

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Discovery of structure of DNA by Franklin and Watson and Crick.


Rosalind Franklin was researching about DNA structure at the King’s College at London based on x-ray diffraction studies; while, Crick and Watson were researching on the same at the Cambridge University based on Linus Pauling discovery of proteins.

Once when Watson happen to listen to Franklin’s lecture upon DNA structure and how it depends on relative humidity of the air and other facts relating to DNA; he along with Crick made physical DNA models which became a big failure.

Later, Franklin found that a wet form of DNA with high humidity had a helix like structure. This point became the base of later discovery of Watson and Crick’s double helix model of DNA along with the discovery of DNA molecules being made up of double chain of nucleotides.

Rosalind Franklin was a chemist, who discovered X-ray diffraction and a key role in determining the structure of the DNA molecule.

The discoveries of Franklin and Watson and Crick on DNA are:

  • Franklin used the X-ray crystallography technique to identify the double-helical structure of the DNA.

  • Watson and Crick's foundation was laid on the discovery of Franklin's DNA structure. Watson and Crick suggested that bases are joined together to their complementary bases, which gives DNA its helical structure.

Thus, Watson and Crick used the information given by Franklin to discover the properties of DNA.

To know more bout DNA, refer to the following link: