On genetic analysis, a human liver cell (hepatocyte) is found to be 46XX, with each chromosome composed of two chromatids. Microscopic examination of the cell reveals an intact nuclear membrane and no chromatin can be seen. It must be true that this cell is:____________.

Respuesta :


The options

A.) in the G₂ stage of the cycle.

B.) in the M stage of the cell cycle.

C.) about to under meiosis I.

D.) is evidence of hepatocellular carcinoma.


A.) in the G₂ stage of the cycle.


The Answer is A

Which indicates the interphase composed of G₁, S, and G₂ for the cell 46XX, with two chromatids on each chromosome to imply that synthesis has taken place.

Since the cells has intact nuclear membrane with no chromatin visible, the cell is at the S or G₂ phase

Answer B is wrong.


For the cell to be at M phase then there must be dissolution of the nuclear membrane and chromatin becomes evident or seen at various stages such as within the nucleus, at the equatorial plane and the opposite poles of the cells

Answer C is wrong


since the cell does not undergo meiosis. Therefore, it is a hepatocyte and not a sex cell that can undergo meiosis