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Negative reinforcement with positive punishment are both methods intending to control the human reactions acknowledging pre-determined parameters in decision making. Once the reaction to the promt fullfiles the correct designed-by-the-method standard decision taken, then the lesson has been learned , this gets an influenced behavior.


These methods to influence behavior are used either looking to amend or diminish "bad" or fostering  and soliciting "good" behavior.

Undesirable or "bad" behaviour is a behaviour which generates a "bad" social surrounding, either at home, school, leisure area, workplace, etc., where the subdued to this behavior people  feel uncomfortable, attacked, and in the worst scenarios threatened or abused  leaving a harmful physical or mental impact on them.

Before any stimulus is presented the human reaction is called operant behavior and it learns through experience. The influenced, corrected or modified behavior is necessarily associated with a known stimulus and the concept of reinforcement which is a reward which, depending on the chosen method, is awarded or removed. In both methods the responses can be repeated on demand.

A positive reinforcement or positive punishment helps removing or decreasing a “bad” behavior by adding favourable stimulus getting enjoyable outcomes.

A negative reinforcement helps encouraging or increasing a “good” behavior by eliminating an unfavourable stimulus but the stimuli can have unpleasant or even painful outcomes. When using a negative reinforcement method, keep in mind the difference between reinforcement and punishment as reinforcement´s result, even if it is negative, always promps a good behavior but punishment lleads to encourage "bad" behavior. There is positive punishment though, you add an undesirable stimulus to decrease a "bad" behavior.