The human immune system can produce a specific response or a nonspecific response
to infection. Which of the Following is a specific immune response of the human
immune system?​

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Human immune system has two types of immune response-; Specific immune response and non specific immune response.


                                Human immune response

The response of  body caused by immunity to a particular antigen or pathogen.   there are two types of immune responses-

INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSE- This is the non specific immune response. This is present in all organisms by birth. No specificity is required.Examples-

Immunity transferred by mother to her baby from colostrum,

First line of defence like skin,

Non specific immune response is always present naturally. This is always ready to fight with any infection. Neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils and macrophages are cells which give immune response without any specific training. The first response after infection is fever, inflammation etc caused by non specific response.

ACQUIRED IMMUNE RESPONSE- Also known as adaptive response or specific response. Which is acquired by individual in his life. It is triggered by antigen and as response body produce specific cells

In this immunity, body produce MEMORY CELLS, so whenever in future that particular antigen exposed to the body it gives quick response against that antigen.

There are B and T LYMPHOCYTES which perform this response. B lymphocytes are cells produce antibodies  these are IgA, IgD,IgE,IgG, and IgM. These cells target antigens and kill them in very specific manner.