Assume that you have become the president of the marketing club student organization on your campus. Following your election, your faculty advisor has asked you to develop a comprehensive marketing plan on how to increase membership and improve the overall experience of being in the marketing club. Because of the great potential value, it adds at a small cost, you plan to integrate social media marketing ideas into different components of the marketing plan.
The marketing plan is an action-oriented document or playbook that guides the analysis, implementation, and control of the firm's marketing strategy. Creating a marketing plan requires the input, guidance, and review of employees throughout the various departments of a firm-not just the marketing department-so it is important that every future business professional understand the plan's components. The specific format of the marketing plan differs from organization to organization, but most plans include executive summary, situation analysis, marketing strategy, financials section, and controls section.

Match the social media strategy with the appropriate section of the marketing plan:

1. Examining the social media pages of competing student organizations to see what they are offering their members
2. Using social media to position your organization as a great place for students to interact with business leaders
3. Using social media to get a sales forecast for the marketing club's trip to an NBA game
4. Using social media to get student feedback to help with any necessary contingency planning
5. Analyzing the current social media profile of the marketing club and determining if it is a strength or a weakness
6. Developing specific social media objectives, such as having 200 followers by the end of the first month of classes
7. Interacting with club members to see if enough members will buy t-shirts for the club to break even on a fundraiser

a) Controls
b) Situation analysis
c) Marketing strategy
d) Financial

Respuesta :

Answer: control :5




Explanation:As part of marketing plans

Control:include analysis of the current social media platform of the club and determining his strength and weakness,this is to ensure that it is being used for what it is meant for and ensure that it cannot be compromised in any way .

Situational Analysis:include examining the social media of competing student organization to see what they are offering,this will help improve the brand and make it more acceptable and will help correct shortcomings.

Getting feedbacks from students will provide room for improvement and make allowance for future plans to be put in place.where the members need to be satisfied will be seen and necessary adjustments will be made.

Marketing strategy the essence is to ensure that the club is given visibility by the social media platform which should include an avenue to interact with business leaders and means of improving members of the team.

Financial :solely means planning for the expenses of the club , soliciting or raising funds require to meet the club financial obligations