
Draw what you think the models of aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration would look like if you constructed them.
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Within cells, aerobic respiration may not occur due to several factors:

  • - a lack of inorganic, final electron acceptors
  • -incomplete or lack of a complete electron transport system
  • -missing genes for enzymes within the Kreb's cycle

Thus, they utilize other means for the generation of energy in the form of ATP and to replenish NAD+ an oxidized form of NADH, the main electron carrier in glycolysis. Pyruvate is produced in the cytoplasm via glycolysis- it is also used as an electron acceptor in a process called fermentation.

Cellular respiration begins in the cytoplasm, where glucose is broken down for energy production. In the presence of an oxygen rich environment, eukaryotes may carry out aerobic respiration.

overall, in aerobic respiration: C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ≈38 ATP

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Learn more about cellular respiration at
