7. After closing all the monasteries in England, King Henry Vill declared that all their land
and anything of value they contained belonged to_​

Respuesta :

After closing all the monasteries in England, King Henry Vill declared that all their land  and anything of value they contained belonged to Him


Henry VIII was made as the main head of the England church in 1534 which was called as Act of Supremacy. This also had a promise of making him married to Anne Boleyn. It was November 3rd, 1534 when Henry VIII was made as the main head of the England church.

It was called as The first act of supremacy. Henry VIII was declared as the main head of the Church of England by himself. This is because of the refusal of marring Katherine of Aragon. After the closing of monasteries in England, it was declared by King Henry VIII that  all their land  and anything of value they contained belonged to Him.