
Choose one of the abstract expressionists whose work you admire. Research the artist’s life and work. Write a 250- to 350-word essay on your findings. Use complete sentences and cite all of your resources. When submitting written assignments, please remember to: Submit the assignment question(s) along with your responses. Proofread your work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Be careful to include complete sentence structure. Be aware that paragraphs need to have minimum of six sentences.

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I definitely admire Jackson Pollock, who was the founder of Abstract Expressionism in North America.


Jackson Pollock is known for his famous Drip Paintings. He was born on 28 January 1912. He was widely known for pouring paints on large canvases. he would also splash them. Spontaneously working, he would lay the canvas on the floor. He would then use a container of colors and drip them using large brushes. This process was infamously known as Action Painting.  

Jackson Pollock married Lee Krasner, in 1945. Lee also painted in a similar manner. She was a great influence to his career and work. Jackson was addicted to alcohol. Suffered by alcoholism, not only was he reclusive but also a volatile person. Due to his nature, in the past, he was expelled from the schools he studied in. During his youth, he studied Native American Culture. He would go on country trips with his father. There he would be engrossed in learning about the same. On his brother's insistence Charles Pollock, he arrived to New York in 1930. He learned Art under Thomas Hart Benton at Arts Students League.

Brenton worked on American rural attributes. This influenced Jackson Pollock. David Alfaro introduced him to liquid paint. Facing his issue of alcoholism, he also began his Drip paintings. He also underwent Jungian therapy to treat his disorder. His popular drip paintings belong to the range of 1947 to 1950. At the young age of 44 he died in a car accident while in his alcoholic state. As a tribute, after four months, MOMA had conducted a memorial retrospective exhibition of his works. He attracted the market, too. He is one of the top selling artists, today.