Consider a single CPU system with an active process A. Explain what happens in the following circumstances including any interrupts, system calls, etc. and how they are handled until a process is back to running again?

a. Process A forks a new process B
b. Process A is running, and needs to read from a file
c. A timer interrupt occurs while A is running.

Respuesta :


The answer to this question as follows:


In option a, When we use fork, a new mechanism, that uses fork() method, which is in the parental process, to replicate all sites. It has been installed in a space-differentiating operating system.

In option b, It is the present system cycle that scan and wait for any of the system processor to be installed.

In option c,  The time delay happens when A operates. It is a global that make issues, which are cleared and slowed down when an interrupt happens. In this process, there are not any distractions. It splits into slowly as it heads into the ISR. It helps to understand the code easily.