In a flowering plants species, red flower color is dominant over white flower color. What is the genotype of any white-flowering plant resulting from this species?

A. Red and white alleles present on one chromosome
B. Red allele on one homologous chromosome and a white allele on the other chromosome
C. A red allele is present on both homologous chromosomes
D. A white allele is present on both homologous chromosomes​

Respuesta :


C. A red allele is present on both homologous chromosomes

Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosome of similar lengths, banding patterns, and centromere positions, with genes at the same loci. For dominance, gene copies are present on both of the chromosomes; the dominat variant overrides the effect of the other recessive allele.

Further Explanation:

DNA molecules contain chromosomes that may have different forms called alleles. DNA, which is the genotype, is transcribed into mRNA and later translated into amino acids which are connected together by rRNA to form proteins which constitute the phenotype of an organism. DNA sequence mutations form new alleles, impacting the associated mRNA, and thus the encoded protein.

Homozygous individuals have a chromosome containing two variants of the same allele. Dominant homozygous individuals bear two copies of the dominant allele, whereas recessive homozygous individuals hold two copies of the recessive allele.


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