The owner of a small retail store expressed interest in getting some assistance creating a mission statement for his business. If you were his consultant, which question would you ask to help him to develop an effective mission

Respuesta :

Answer: The question to ask is "WHO ARE YOUR BIGGEST COMPETITORS"


A mission statement is a concise declaration, and clear statement about a business strategy in it's mode of operations. The mission statement tells and employee and customers how the company's business is done and should be done.

This makes it very important to know his major competitors first. From the mode of operations stated by his competitors, we can now deduce a new strategy of the business, which can be able to outshine any business competition. Because it a small retail store, that means his major competitors may be the big retail stores, so we can shift our mission statement to state how fast,easy, reliable and smooth our business should be.

In stating a mission statement, that can be able to win your major competitors, the following should be considered also;

•what do we do

•How do we do it

•whom do we do it for

•what value are we bringing

Considering the above, will help structure a good mission statement, that will be able to stand competition and competitors strategy.


The question I would ask him would be: what type of business are you into, and who are the customers that patronize it? His answers to this question would help me create a mission statement having a philosophy, aims, and a concept with customers in mind; in addition, it would create a platform that can give his business a strong and attractive identity that could make it compete well with already established giants in the same business or market.