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How do species adapt to changing environments over time? Explain how evidence from the fossil record and from living species suggests that earth's species are related. List each type of evidence and provide an example of each.

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Living organisms are adapted to their environment. This means that the way they look, the way they behave, how they are built, or their way of life makes them suited to survive and reproduce in their habitats. For example, giraffes have very long necks so that they can eat tall vegetation, which other animals cannot reach. The eyes of cats are like slits. That makes it possible for the cat's eyes to adjust to both bright light, when the slits are narrow, and to very dim light, when the slits are wide open.

Behavior is also an important adaptation. Animals inherit many kinds of adaptive behavior. In southern Africa there are small animals called meerkats, which live in large colonies. The meerkats take turns standing on their hind legs, looking up at the sky to spot birds of prey. Meanwhile, the meerkats in the rest of the colony go about their lives. You can probably think of many other features of body or behavior that help animals to lead a successful life.

In biology, an ecological niche refers to the overall role of a species in its environment. Most environments have many niches. If a niche is "empty" (no organisms are occupying it), new species are likely to evolve to occupy it. This happens by the process of natural selection.

Many fossils of different kinds of horses have been discovered, and paleontologists think that the earliest ancestor of the modern horse lived in North America more than 50 million years ago. This animal was a small padded-foot forest animal about the size of a dog. If you saw one next to a modern horse, you might not even think the two were related! As time passed, the climate of North America became drier, and the vast forests started to shrink. Grasses were evolving, and the amount grassland was increasing. Horses adapted to fill this new grassland niche. They grew taller, and their legs and feet became better adapted to sprinting in the open grasslands. Their eyes also adapted to be further back on their heads to help them to see more of the area around them. Each of these adaptations helped the evolving grassland horses to avoid predators. Their teeth also changed to be better adapted to grinding tough grassland vegetation.



Species have different adaptations for changing environment. For example, some species use mimicry or camouflage, while others change their location or eating habits.

Evidence from the fossil record also suggests that species evolved over time. It also suggests that some of earth's species are related. First there are homolougous structures, these are pairs of bones/ fossils from different species that show similar structure but differnet functions. An example of this is the forelimbs of humans, cats frogs bats and birds. They all have the same structure but different functions which suggest common ancestry. Second, there are analougous structures. These structures suggest common ancestry because of the similarities in function. Analougous structures have tend to have different structure but similar function. For example, a bird's wing and a bat's wing are used for the same thing but are structured differently. Finally, there are vestigial structures. Vestigial structures show similarity in ancient species and modern species. This is demonstrated by whales having pelvic bones. That fact show that a whale is related to an ancient species that live on land and in water. In summary, homolougous, analougous, and vestigial structures show that Earth's species are related.
