Respuesta :

Block Grant is a large sum of money allocated to the state government and  it is for the state to decide how to use it. Categorical Grants are financial assistance given to the state or local government for a specific purpose.


Block grant is much preferred because the state is free to decide how to spend it. They feel that much amount which is spent on the formalities can be reduced and much of the money can be utilized to solve the actual need of the locality or the state. Up to ten millions is allocated to the state which is huge and much of the money is used for community development within the state.

Local Governments are much aware of the issues faced by the locality and such  a huge money can be well utilized. states do not have to compete among themselves to acquire it and it is mostly formula based. It favors much better for smaller states.


Most state and local officials prefer block grants over categorical grants ​because categorical grants typically impose the most restraint on recipients, whereas, the block grants do not.


  • The funds that are received as block grants have wider applicability than the funds received as categorical grants.
  • As the name itself suggests, categorical grants can only be spent on subjects that fit the enumerated category and not for anything else.
  • The same is not the case with block grants and hence, most states prefer block grants over categorical grants.