
Consider the fact that Phillip’s story and the M65 cannon were both developed in the early 1950s. In a two- to three-paragraph response, describe the similarities and differences you see between the M65 atomic cannon created by the US military and Philip Duck’s story “The Gun.” How do Phillip’s story and this US military video show that science fiction can simultaneously connect to as well as expand on actual current events?

Respuesta :


Philip Duck's story of Gun, is a science fiction story. Here the gun is protecting a treasure trove of artifacts.


The Poet composed a story based on Science fiction, where the M-65 gun is protecting a basket of artifacts hidden beneath a tomb. It contains, films, photographs and some historical documents of a long lost civilization. The gun is programmed to shoot down any flying object entering the city. Then gun is protecting the city from trespassing aliens.

Answer:The M65 cannon and Duck’s story “The Gun” were both developed in the early 1950s. Both the M65 cannon and the atomic gun in Duck’s story shoot atomic projectiles. However, the gun in Duck’s story is much more advanced, as it can shoot a great distance as well as repair itself when it is damaged or broken.

Duck’s story clearly connects to actual circumstances of the Cold War, particularly the rapid development of nuclear weapons with the ominous message that such creations could one day be uncontrollable and lead to the destruction of the planet. Duck uses the ideas and technology of current science and society, but places them in an advanced, exaggerated state. This comparison reveals the shortsightedness and the faults of society, and the potential for complete devastation related to the Cold War development of nuclear weapons such as the M65. Duck's story also reveals mankind’s flaws when creating such weapons. This comparison is another example of the relationship between science fiction and reality.
