The headline​ "Drugs shown in 98 percent of​ movies" accompanied a news story that described a​ "government study" claiming that drug​ use, drinking, or smoking was depicted in​ 98% of the top movie rentals. Discuss whether the headline accurately represents the story.

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Discussed below.

Step-by-step explanation:

The headline states that 98% of all movies show imagery of drugs. There are a few assumptions that the wording can insinuate:

  1. By stating "drugs shown" it is not specified what kind of drugs are shown nor whether the consumption of these drugs is also shown (showing drug can allude to the consumption of drugs).
  2. Drugs can have different meanings in different contexts, some are not harmful such as pharmaceutical drugs. Without any specification, one assumes the worst.
  3. 98%  of movies refers to 98% of all movies produced thus one can assume that 98% of the total output of movie production show imagery of drug use, which is highly unlikely.

However, the story refers to a more specific statistic: that not 98% of all movies but 98% of the top movie rentals depicted drug use, drinking or smoking.

The key differences:

  1. the story is more specific as to what the statistic is referring to (not the total movie output but the top rented movies)
  2. the story specifically mentions the use of drugs is shown
  3. the story also mentions other types of harmful substances such as smoking and drinking

Thus, the headline misrepresents the content of the story which may lead one to make broader and misplaced conclusion about imagery of drugs in movies.