If there are 8 opcodes and 10 registers, a. What is the minimum number of bits required to represent the OPCODE? b. What is the minimum number of bits required to represent the Destination Register (DR)? c. What is maximum number of UNUSED bits in the instruction encoding?

Respuesta :


For 32 bits Instruction Format:

OPCODE   DR               SR1                   SR2      Unused bits

a) Minimum number of bits required to represent the OPCODE = 3 bits

There are 8 opcodes. Patterns required for these opcodes must be unique. For this purpose, take log base 2 of 8 and then ceil the result.

Ceil (log2 (8)) = 3

b) Minimum number of bits For Destination Register(DR) = 4 bits

There are 10 registers. For unique register values take log base 2 of 10 and then ceil the value.  4 bits are required for each register. Hence, DR, SR1 and SR2 all require 12 bits in all.  

Ceil (log2 (10)) = 4

c) Maximum number of UNUSED bits in Instruction encoding = 17 bits

Total number of bits used = bits used for registers + bits used for OPCODE  

     = 12 + 3 = 15  

Total  number of bits for instruction format = 32  

Maximum  No. of Unused bits = 32 – 15 = 17 bits  

OPCODE                DR              SR1             SR2              Unused bits

  3 bits              4 bits          4 bits           4 bits                17 bits