Respuesta :



well.. since its a predator it helps control the population count of prey. if there's no predator the prey will keep growing and growing (population-wise) and then the preys prey will shrink (also population-wise) and then the pray will die out after that since there's nothing else to eat



Depending on the predator, and its style of hunting, it can weed or bring out certain traits in a prey species.


For example, if a predator species of  high flying bird hunts a type of rodent, the rodents that are born (through random chance) with traits such as adapting to hunting in heavily forested areas, having thicker fur, or having better hearing will tend to outlive the other rodents that don't have those traits. That will mean the prey rodents that have the genetic traits that let them survive or avoid that predator species will survive, and be able to produce offspring that have a higher chance to acquire those traits (over many generations of course). And the rodents that have useless or negative traits, like having a coat of fur that stands out in their habitat or having longer tails that aren't useful in their situation will be weeded out by a predator species, leaving only those with the right traits to survive and produce offspring.