mike and kim invest $14,000 in equipment to print yearbooks for schools. each yearbook costs $7 to print and sells for $35. how many yearbooks must they sell before their business breaks even? a. 500 yearbooks b. 2,000 yearbooks c. 400 yearbooks d. 650 yearbooks

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The answer is 500 yearbooks. Let x be the number of yearbooks to print and sell. So, they lose $7 per each yearbook x: -7x. But, they earn $35 per each yearbook: +35x. For them to break the business even gain and loss must be equal to the investment of $14,000: 35x - 7x = 14,000. 28x = 14,000. x = 14,000/28. x = 500.

Answer:500 yearbooks is the answer

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