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Self Actualization Level


In 1954, According to Abraham Maslow in his book "Motivation and Personality" he suggested five hierarchy of needs, which includes the following:

1. Physiological needs: this is the basic needs for human, because without it, the human body, will not function to the optimum. In other words, it is the biological needs that must be satisfied, which is primary to human, and helps to survived. For example, food, sex, sleep, shelter, warmth etc.

2. Safety Needs: Human being needs protection of life, these helps to preserve human from health related issues, such as security, freedom to move around, law and order etc.

3. Love and belonging needs: this is a stage where human needs the sense of being loved and feelings of belonging to a particular group or society, such as friendships, intimacy, trust, giving and receiving love.

4. Esteemed Needs: this is a a social needs for human which includes esteemed for one self such as achievement of goals, dignity etc and earning of respect from others around such as status and prestige.

5. Self actualization needs: this is the top of the hierarchy, where human needs is fulfilled, thus, it's defined as a stage where human desires to have everything and seek peak experience and personal growth.

Hence, Maslow, suggested that a self actualised person has: the sense of good living, take life in a philosophical manner, and partake in things beyond basic needs of life. Where if he's a musician, he makes music, if he's an artist, he paints, a poet, he writes, and not for the material gain, but to be at peace with himself.