1D Array Assignment Outcome: Student will demonstrate the ability to use a one-dimensional array. Student will demonstrate the ability to sort and search arrays. Student will demonstrate the ability to use methods. Program Specifications: Write a program that does the following: Create an array of 100 integers. Store 100 random integers (between 1 and 100) in the array. Print out the elements of the array. Sort the array in ascending order. Print out the sorted array. Prompt the user to enter a number between 1 and 100. Search the array for that number and then display "Found" or "Not Found" message. Display each number from 1 to 100 and the number of times each is found in the array. Display the average of the numbers in the array. Display the highest number in the array. Display the lowest number in the array. Other requirements. Everything should be done using METHODS. NO NEED FOR A MENU SYSTEM. Just call the methods in the sequence above. Add your design tool to your project.

Respuesta :


Program to this question as follows:


import java.util.*; //import package for user input

public class Main  //defining class  


public static void main(String[] as)//defining main function

{//defining integer array

int [] num = new int[113];  

boolean find_in = false; //defining boolean variable

int [] counts = new int[101];//defining integer array

int y, tem = 0, counter = 0,in=0,x,find; //defining integer variable

Scanner ox= new Scanner(System.in); //creating Scanner class Object

while(counter <= 112) //loop to check condition


num[counter++] = generateRandomNumber(); //using array to hold random function value.  


System.out.println("The array:"); //message

for(x = 0; x < 112; x++) // loop to count the value


if(x != 0 && x % 9 == 0) // if block to chek value

System.out.println(); // print  


System.out.print(num[x] + " "); // print array


// sort in ascending order

Arrays.sort(num); //using sort method

System.out.print("\n\nThe array in sorted order:"); // print value

for( x = 0; x < num.length; x++) // loop uses if block to check value is divisiable by 9  


if(x % 9 == 0) //check condition  

System.out.println(); // print  


System.out.print(num[x] + " "); // print array


// search for a number

System.out.print("\n\nEnter a number to search: "); // print message

find= ox.nextInt(); // input number by user

for(x= 0;x< num.length;x++) //loop to count values


if(num[x] == find) //check value


find_in = true; //change value

in= x;

break; //using break keyword



if(find_in)  //find value

System.out.println(find + " is found at index " + in); // print location


System.out.println("Not found"); //message

// display count of each numbers

System.out.println("Count of each numbers:"); //message

for(y = 1; y< num.length; y++) // loop to store element in counts array  


tem = num[y]; //hold value

counts[tem]++; //increment value


for(x = 1; x< counts.length; x++) //loop to print value


System.out.println(x + ": " + counts[x]); // print value


// average of the numbers in the array

for(x = 0; x < num.length; x++) // loop to calculate sum and average


sum += num[x]; //calculate sum


avg = (sum / 100); // calculate avg

System.out.println("\nThe average of the numbers in the array: " + avg);

// highest number in the array

int high= num[0]; //find number

for(x= 0;x < num.length;x++)


if(num[x] > high)

high = num[x]; //hold value of highest Number


System.out.println("\nThe highest number is: " + high); //print value

int low = num[0]; // defining variable for lowest number

for(x= 0; x < num.length - 1; x++) // loop to calculate lowest number


if(num[x] < low) //condition for lowest number

low = num[x]; //hold lowest number


System.out.println("\nThe lowest number is: " + low); //print value


public static int generateRandomNumber() //defining function  


Random ra = new Random(); //creating Random function Object

return (ra.nextInt(100)+ 1); //input and return value




the output of the given code is display in image


In the above program, an array is declared that uses a random function to input the number, in the next step the sort function is used, that sorted all array elements, in the next step the scanner class is used, that input the number form the user ends and pass search in the sorted array.

  • After searching the average of array elements is calculated. In this array we calculate the highest and lowest number of the array to print all the values the print method is used.
  • At the last, the rand method is used that generates the random number for the array and passes into a num array that prints the values.
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