The power radiated by the sun is 3.90 1026 W. The earth orbits the sun in a nearly circular orbit of radius 1.50 1011 m. The earth's axis of rotation is tilted by 27° relative to the plane of the orbit (see the drawing), so sunlight does not strike the equator perpendicularly. What power strikes a 0.570-m2 patch of flat land at the equator at point Q?

Respuesta :


3234.2 W


Since intensity I = Power/Area. The intensity of the light from the sun, I = power radiated by sun/area of sphere of radius, r = 1.5 × 10¹¹ m.

So, I = 3.9 10²⁶W/4π(1.5 × 10¹¹ m)² = 2.069 × 10³ W/m².

Now, the power radiated on the patch of area 0.570 m² at the equator is

P = Icos27/A = 2.069 × 10³ W/m² cos27/0.570 m² = 1843.49/0.570 = 3234.2 W