Two characteristics of natural wines are that they have a maximum alcohol content of 14% and are ""sparkling"" wines. Apply your understanding of alcoholic fermentation to explain these characteristics.

Respuesta :

Alcoholic Fermentation


  • Two attributes of regular wines are that they have a most maximum alcohol content of 14% and are "sparkling" wines.
  • In natural wines, after the ethyl alcohol and are "shimmering" wines.
  • In regular wines, after the ethyl liquor fixation arrives at 14%, the liquor murders the yeast cells, making aging stop. The bubble or shimmer in wines is the collection of CO2.
  • Yeast keep on aging sugars until they either come up short on nourishment or the liquor content gets sufficiently high to slaughter them.
  • The  most wine yeasts, 14% is higher than they can tolerate. There are, be that as it may, yeasts that the merchants guarantee can tolerate higher alcoholic rates.