Consider the positions of carbon, nitrogen, potassium, and calcium on the periodic table. The atoms of which element attract electrons most strongly in chemical bonds?

Respuesta :

electronegativity is defined as the extent at which an atom can attract the bonding pair of another in a couvalent bond
 fluorine has the highest electronegativity  so away from it electonegativity decrease so the answer would be nitrogen as its the closes plus it has a strong nuclear charge with a small radius
hope that helps

Observe the periodic table and find these four elements. The strongest one will be furthest to the right, and the highest up. Note that if we have elements a and b, and a is further to the right than b but not as high up as b, a is still stronger because it comes down to who is furthest to the right AND THEN who is further upward if two options are on the same column. With that being said, Nitrogen is the answer.