
Match the following terms and definitions.

1. short-term hormonal influences on animal behavior usually occurring late in life
2. a technique that associates a natural response to a stimulus to an unrelated stimulus; also called Pavlovian conditioning
classical conditioning
3. the study of animal behavior in its natural environment
activational effects
4. when an animal learns not to respond to a stimulus
insightful learning
5. finding a solution to a once unsolvable problem
6. learning that has taken place but is dormant until a situation requires it
latent learning

Respuesta :

1. Short-term hormonal influences on animal behavior usually occurring late in life  - activational effects

2. A technique that associates a natural response to a stimulus to an unrelated stimulus; also called Pavlovian conditioning  -- classical conditioning

3. The study of animal behavior in its natural environment  - ethology

4. When an animal learns not to respond to a stimulus  - habituation

5. Finding a solution to a once unsolvable problem  - insightful learning

6. Learning that has taken place but is dormant until a situation requires it  - latent learning


Activational effects are the sudden or immediate temporary transient effects of behavioral changes due to the influence of hormones, especially the gonodal or the sex hormones. The behavior change in male animals due to increase in male sex hormonal activity can be referred as activational effect.

Classical conditioning facilitates learning of a behavior when a conditioned stimulus is associated with an unconditioned stimulus leading to a conditioned response. Animal training by pairing a new unconditioned stimulus with an already known conditioned stimulus, a new conditioned response of behavior change can be observed.

Ethology refers to the scientific zoological study (includes both laboratory as well as natural field studies) of animals behavior with relation to their natural environment. It studies and compares about animal behavioral processes changes under various disciplines like ecology, anatomy, evolution etc.

Habituation is an associative learning process that results when an animal learns to resist a stimulus and not to respond to it after repeated exposure.  

Insightful learning occurs when various parts of a problem is analyzed and their relationship is understood to arrive at the solution suddenly. Animals must look at a situation as a whole, observe and analyze it to solve the problem. Some animals like chimpanzees can learn through insightful learning

Latent learning occurs without any associated reinforcements. Animals learn new behavior through latent learning.