1. Impulse is the product of force and distance. True or false?
2. The force necessary to lift an object is g. True or false?
3. A joule is a newton times a second. True or false?
4. Work is done to lift an object in the classroom. True or false?
5. Kinetic energy is the energy of position. True or false?
6. Stopping distance is doubled, if speed is quadrupled.True or false?

Respuesta :



1. Impulse, I = F.t

  The statement impulse is the product of Force and distance is false.

2. F = m g

   Force necessary to lift the object depends on the mass of the object.

   statement 2 is false.

3. Joule is equal to Newton times meter.

    Statement 3 is false.

4. Work done to lift an object is correct statement.

   Statement 4 is true.

5. Kinetic energy of an object is due to motion.

  Statement 5 is false.

6. Stopping distance is directly proportional to the square of velocity.

     If velocity is doubled, stopping distance is quadrupled.

    Statement 6 is false.