
You just ended a meeting with Ming (one of your six employees), who gave you some disturbing information. She feels she is being bullied by one of her coworkers and is seeking your advice on how to handle it. Ming said that Mindy has been saying "good morning" to everyone as she walks by their office but doesn’t say it to Ming. Ming also said that Mindy organized a farewell lunch for one of your departing employees last week and didn’t invite Ming. She also told you of nasty things that Mindy tells other colleagues about her. For example, last month when Ming ran into Mindy at the grocery store, Mindy told everyone the next day the medications that Ming had in her cart, which included medication for irritable bowel syndrome. Ming also showed you an e-mail that Mindy had sent blaming Ming for the loss of one of Mindy’s clients. Mindy had copied the entire department on the e-mail. Ming thinks that other employees have been reluctant to involve her in projects as a result of this e-mail. Ming left your office quite upset, and you think you may need to take some action. In your blog, discuss the following:

Do you think Ming is correct in saying Mindy is bullying her?

What are the indications of bullying?

What advice would you give to Ming?

How would you handle this situation with Mindy, without embarrassing Ming?

Respuesta :

Answer:Do you think Ming is correct in saying Mindy is bullying her?

Yes , she is right, Mindy is definitely bullying her.

What are the indications of bullying?

Bullying doesn't only occur physically but also psychologically and and emotionally,especially in a place of work it can de identified by mistreatment of the other person,verbal abuse , threatening and humiliating the other person.

The bullied person is outcastes , alienated , excluded and ignored like what Mindy is doing, ignoring Ming while he greet everyone else , excluding her by not inviting her in a farewell lunch , eventhough all other colleagues are invited by Mindy.

Spreading false rumours is also part of bullying .

He also critized her publicly by publicly sharing an email about a loss of a client caused by Ming .

These are all signs of abuse.

What advice would you give to Ming?

She will need to keep record or document everything so that when she decides to take the matter further , she may be able to submit proof of what has been happening to her,this will give evidence.

How would you handle this situation with Mindy, without embarrassing Ming?

I think talking to Mindy in an objective way without including Ming's name will be helpful since Mindy has publicly shared his bullying activities. I can actual point out things that are not allowed at work and how certain things can be harmful and degrading to other employees. Make him see how certain behavior affects other employees and how this can be a serious issue that can affect the company and affects even Mindy himself .

Ming is accurate in her assessment of Mindy's bullying.

Demotivating the victim, generating false expectations with no plans to realize it, purposefully neglecting the victim are all signs of bullying. Removing someone from a community or making him feel emotionally or economically isolated is a form of intentional exclusion.

Making the victim believe that they are the source of the problem, Critiquing someone's work or conduct on a regular basis, frequently for unjustified reasons Withholding knowledge from someone or providing them incorrect information, for example.

Ming has experienced some with the above indications of workplace bullying. And it is well within her rights to advise her supervisor of this.

First and foremost, I would assure Ming that she will not have any such problems in the future, and that I will personally address this matter.

I'll speak with Mindy and try to grasp her perspective on such behavior. And I'll make her informed of the regulations that apply in our office, such as the fact that bullying is not tolerated in the workplace. And it will provide her with an opportunity to modify her conduct.

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