Question 3. Using simulation with 10,000 trials, assign chance_of_all_different to an estimate of the chance that if you pick three words from Pride and Prejudice uniformly at random (with replacement), they all have different lengths. Hint: Remember that !

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Hint Given

Hint: Remember that !=only checks for non-equality between two items, not three. However, you can use !=more than once in the same line.For example, 2 != 3 != 4first checks for non-equality between 2and 3, then 3and 4, but NOT 2and 4.


#Program is written in Python

# Comments are used for explanatory purpose

# Program starts here

string = open('PrideAndPrejudice.txt', encoding='utf-8').


#Split words

possiblewords = np.array(string.split())

In []:

# Initialise trial simulation to 10000

simulation = 10000

# Initialise diff to 0

diff = 0

# iterate for possible words in PrideAndPrejudice

for i in np.arange(simulation):

words = np.random.choice(possiblewords, 3) #3 words to search for

#implement the condition in hint above

iflen(words.item(0)) != len(words.item(1)) != len(words.item(2)) != len(words.item(0)):

#calcuate result

diff = diff + 1

chance_of_all_different = diff/simulation
