Respuesta :


Incident Type 5


Incident type 5 is the type of incident that can be managed with one(1) or two(2) single resources with up to six personnel.

Command and General Staff positions (other than the Incident Commander) are not


The incident is included within the early operational moment and frequently within an hour to

a limited hours after resources arrive on scene.

A good examples is a vehicle fire, an injured person, or a police traffic stop etc.


Type 5


There are 6 types of incident types depending on their rank. In the type 5, The command and staff position aren’t activated and can be handled with one or two single resources and up to six workforce. The type 5 has the least level of problem and can be resolved within a short period of time with the presence of the resources on the site due to it being restricted to just one operation in the control stage. Example is the management of a small bush fire.