Many people think long-term evolution of a species must follow the rule "adapt or die." Which of the following will not help organisms overcome an environmental change that threatens extinction?The will to survive

Respuesta :


Your answer is CORRECT - The will to survive


The will to survive will not help the organisms to avoid extinction because nature has its own rules and process to promote evolution. If a specie is prepared to survive because of certain characteristics and skills and other species haven't, the simple will to survive will not save this specie, because nature did not give it this opportunity.


1. Rapid manmade change of climate.

2. Deforestation

3. Overexploitation.


1. Rapid change by manmade for example the diminishing of arctic see ice can shift the vegetation zones which directly affect marine life.

2. Deforestation also play a negative role to the adaptation of organism during environmental changes, it is a direct cause of extinction.

3. This is hazards cause mainly of overhunting, over fishing and over harvesting which contribute greatly on problems to overcome an environmental change that that threaten extinction.