How is the identification of these thoughts accomplished? A :One type of thought will cause much more overall activity than another.

B: computer examines the response in one particular part of the brain.

C: The team looks at whether the right or left hemisphere of the brain becomes more active.

D: A computer analyzes the pattern of activity recorded in several regions of the brain.

Respuesta :

Answer: The identification of these thoughts are accomplished by D; A computer analyzes the pattern of activity recorded in several regions of the brain.


There are several types of brain scanning methods used that help scientists and doctors learn about the brain and its functions. It is the clinical psychology department that develops new methods of treatments for patients. When using brain scanning technology, the doctor will ask a serious of questions to the person/group and watch the pattern being recorded. They can then determine several things such as, what part of the brain is responsible for thinking, laughing, eating, etc.

Researchers use two types of groups in experiments to learn about the brain among other things. They use control groups and experimental groups.