Danny is an American whose company has sent him to handle a business deal in Japan. While he is there, Danny's host offers him unfamiliar foods, refuses to make prolonged eye contact, and bows frequently. Danny thinks the food and frequent bowing are weird and that refusing to make eye contact is rude. In his mind, the way things are done in the United States is the "right" way. What tendency is Danny exhibiting

Respuesta :

The tendency that Danny is exhibiting by finding the behavior of his host to be strange and his own way to be the correct way is called Ethnocentrism.


Ethnocentrism in sociology and anthropology is a term used for a phenomenon in which a person who has spent most of their life following a form of customs considering them to be right when faced with another form of customs and believing that the others are behaving irrationally.

It is characterized by the belief that whatever the custom was in the homeland of the person was right and whatever the others do differently is illogical and completely out of the normal.